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Quick Start

Setup Local blockchain node#

We use Europa as our default test node. We v3.0.0-v2 as our dev env.

For setup, please refer Europ-CLI and Europa-UI.

Frontend - Polkadot-js/apps#

For blockchain frontend, if you are using Europa-CLI, please install Polkadot-js/apps. We use this commit as our development env.

If you are using Europa-UI, you can skip this step, as Europa-UI comes with built-in GUI.

First ask! project - Flipper#

Setup ask env#

mkdir flippercd flippernpx pl-ask-cli init

Create index.ts in flipper/contracts, and copy the following code#

@contractclass Flipper {    @state flag: bool;
    constructor() {    }
    @constructor    default(initFlag: bool): void {        this.flag = initFlag;    }
    @message    flip(): void {        const v = this.flag;        this.flag = !v;    }
    @message({"mutates": false})    get(): bool {        return this.flag;    }}


npx pl-ask-cli compile contracts/index.ts

Which creates /build/index.wasm and /build/metadata.json .wasm is the compiled binary file of your smart contract while metadata.json defines ABI of your contract


Whereas a completely new blob of smart contract source code is deployed each time you push a contract on other platforms, Substrate opts to optimize this behavior. For example, the standard ERC20 token has been deployed to Ethereum thousands of times, sometimes only with changes to the initial configuration (through the Solidity constructor function). Each of these instances take up space on the blockchain equivalent to the contract source code size, even though no code was actually changed.

In Substrate, the contract deployment process is split into two halves:

Putting your code on the blockchain Creating an instance of your contract With this pattern, contract code like the ERC20 standard can be put on the blockchain a single time, but instantiated any number of times. No need to continually upload the same source code over and waste space on the blockchain.

  • Start Europa and Polkadot.js/apps repectively
  • In polkadot-js/apps contract tab, upload build/metadata.json and build/index.wasm.
  • Instantiate the uploaded contract and call default to issue tokens.

Call your contract#

Flipper only has two functions, flip() and get() so we will show you what it's like to play with both of them. Click the Execute button under the contract after you instantiate the Flipper contract in the previous step.


mkdir erc20cd erc20`npx pl-ask-cli init

Copy code from examples#

copy index.ts and ERC20.ts to erc20/contracts/.


npx pl-ask-cli compile contracts/index.ts

Which creates /build/index.wasm and /build/metadata.json


  • Start Europa and Polkadot.js/apps repectively
  • In polkadot-js/apps contract tab, upload build/metadata.json and build/index.wasm.
  • Instantiate the uploaded contract and call default to issue tokens.
  • Play around with mint, transfer, approve, burn to operate this ERC20 contract.



In erc20/contracts, index.ts and ERC20.ts

  • class MyToken <-- class ERC20 , MyToken is a subclass of ERC20

  • constructor and default needs to be declared for every subclass(contract)

  constructor() {    super();  }
  @constructor  default(name: string = "", symbol: string = ""): void {    super.default(name, symbol);  }
  • expose functions with @message decorator
  @message  @doc({"desc": "Mint a token"})  mint(to: AccountId, amount: u128): void {    this._mint(to, amount);  }
  • all class properties and methods are inherited by default.


@eventclass Transfer extends Event {    @topic from: AccountId;    @topic to: AccountId;
    amount: u128;

    constructor(from: AccountId, to: AccountId, amount: u128) {      super();      this.from = from; = to;      this.amount = amount;    }}
  • Event decorator marks this class as an Event to be emitted during the contract execution.
  • To emit an event (new Transfer(sender, recipient, amount)).emit();
  • @topic is equilvent of indexed in solidity that allows to search topic parameters as filters.


@contractexport class ERC20 {  @state balances: SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128> = new SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128>();  @state allowances: SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128>> = new SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128>>();
  @state totalSupply: u128 = u128.Zero;  @state name_: string = "";  @state symbol_: string = ""  @state decimal_: u8 = 0;}
  • @contract: the @constructor method is executable when the contract is instantiated. It defines this class as a contract.
  • @state: a blockchain state variable, the value will be synced to blockchain when contract is executed
  • class properties without decorators are regular class properties


Methods with @message decorator will be exposed to blockchain as contract methods.

Immutable Message#

  @message({ "mutates": false })  symbol(): string {    return this.symbol_;  }

If @message({ "mutates": false }), it means this message does not needs to mutate the blockchain state. This method can be called with an RPC call without a blockchain transaction(no gas).

Mutable Message#

  @message  transfer(recipient: AccountId, amount: u128): bool {    let from = msg.sender;    this._transfer(from, recipient, amount);    return true;  }

When no { "mutates": false } is annotated in @message, it means this message will mutate the blockchain state. This method can only be called with a blockchain transaction(requires gas).

Private/Protected Methods#

Methods without @message are internal functions. Same as grammer of Typescript, protected methods can be inherited in child classes.