Storage and data strucutures
Basic TypesAsk! provides its own data types implmenting scale codec corresponding to basic data types in AssemblyScript and standard library collections.
AssemblyScript | ask! | ask! convert |
bool | Bool | true |
i{8, 16, 32, 64, 128} | Int{8, 16, 32, 64, 128} | true |
u{8, 16, 32, 64, 128} | UInt{8, 16, 32, 64, 128} | true |
string(String) | ScaleString | true |
Array | ScaleArray | false |
Set | ScaleSet | false |
Map | ScaleMap | false |
When the basic assemblyscript types in the table above are used in the contract code (not including container types such as Array
), Ask! It will be automatically converted to the corresponding Scale type (that is, automatic boxing/unboxing) for storage during compile time.
Contract Parameter TypesContract Parameter Types are types defined to communicate Frame pallet-contract
Contract Parameter Types | ask! types |
AccountId | Array<u8>(32) |
Hash | Array<u8>(32) |
Balance | UInt128 |
BlockNumber | UInt32 |
You can customize them in assembly/env/CustomTypes.ts
as long as the correct Codec is implementd.
storageYou can import Bool
via ask-lang
import { Bool } from 'ask-lang';
If you need to store this data for blockchain storage
class Flipper { @state flag: Bool;}
You can also directly use bool
and ask! will convert it automatically during compilation
class Flipper { @state flag: bool;}
Opt out of storageIf you does not need to sync the data to blockchain storage but just declare it as a normal class property
class Flipper { @state flag: bool; flag1: bool;}
LazyWhen a data is decorated with @state
, it means it will sync with the blockchain database when its value gets changed which involves calling host function seal_set_storage
or seal_get_storage
. However, calling host function is expensive in terms of wasm performance.
Therefore @state
introduces lazy option as: @state({"lazy": false})
While lazy is true, that means while a state variable gets changed multiple times in a contract call, only the last change will be synced to blockchain.
By default, lazy
is set to true
. While lazy is false, then every change made to the state variable will be synced to blockchain.
Basic principle of implmentation: For every state varible with lazy set as true, the setter function generated by compiler will only updates the value changed in memory; Meanwhile, compiler also creates a commit function. If the state variables within this function ever gets changed before the contract call is done, the updated values will be synced to blockchain.