Custom RPCs and commands
Europa implements a set of custom RPCs to facilate development.
Making sure Europa is running and endpoint is configured correctly
RPC: europa_forwardToHeight
allows Europa to produce empty blocks to reach to the assigned height
ParametersBlockHeight - Blockheight to be forwarded to.
Example$ curl http://localhost:9933 -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"europa_forwardToHeight", "params": [10] }'
The rpc result looks like
And you should see the follow log printed from Europa service.
INFO tokio-runtime-worker ec_basic_authorship::basic_authorship: 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 10 [hash: 0x5302296c5d4c52caaaec15d6bd1409e5cb6482cd41d3cbe7e80356ec4c06f68b; parent_hash: 0xc668…46de; extrinsics (1): [0x64cd…22c2]]
INFO tokio-runtime-worker sc_consensus_manual_seal::rpc: Instant Seal success: CreatedBlock { hash: 0x5302296c5d4c52caaaec15d6bd1409e5cb6482cd41d3cbe7e80356ec4c06f68b, aux: ImportedAux { header_only: false, clear_justification_requests: false, needs_justification: false, bad_justification: false, is_new_best: true } }
RPC: europa_backwardToHeight
revert the blockchain back to certain heights and remove states of reverted blocks
ParametersBlockHeight - Blockheight to be reverted to.
Example$ curl http://localhost:9933 -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"europa_backwardToHeight", "params": [10] }'
The rpc result looks like
You can check the lastest block number:
curl http://localhost:9933 -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"chain_getBlock", "params": [] }'
You will find that the blocks are now rolled back to number 5
RPC: europa_modifiedStateKvs
retrive the cached state changes at certain blockheight.
we store the mapping of blockhash and state kvs in the state-kv database, so that developers could export the state changes to look up the details.
ParameterBlockHeight - Blockheight to be reverted to.
Example$ curl http://localhost:9933 -H "Content-Type:application/json;charset=utf-8" -d '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "id":1, "method":"europa_modifiedStateKvs", "params": [4] }'
The rpc result looks like
CLI: Print modified stored state kvs for a block
USAGE: europa state-kv [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <HASH or NUMBER>
For details, please check by europa state-kv --help
Example# in a shell window$ ./target/debug/europaNov 12 17:10:14.524 INFO Europa Dev Node Nov 12 17:10:14.524 INFO ✌️ version 0.1.0-7b4463c-x86_64-linux-gnu Nov 12 17:10:14.524 INFO ❤️ by patract labs <>, 2020-2020 Nov 12 17:10:14.524 INFO 📋 Chain specification: Development # ...Nov 12 17:21:23.544 INFO Accepted a new tcp connection from Nov 12 17:21:32.238 INFO 🙌 Starting consensus session on top of parent 0xc7e1ce585807b34b7fecabe1242cafb2628c958b984ec0aee7727cdd34117529 Nov 12 17:21:32.252 INFO 🎁 Prepared block for proposing at 1 [hash: 0x0109608217316a298c88135cf39a87cc31c37729fbe567b4a1a9f8dcdb81ebeb; parent_hash: 0xc7e1…7529; extrinsics (2): [0x2194…baf8, 0x0931…58bb]] Nov 12 17:21:32.267 INFO Instant Seal success: CreatedBlock { hash: 0x0109608217316a298c88135cf39a87cc31c37729fbe567b4a1a9f8dcdb81ebeb, aux: ImportedAux { header_only: false, clear_justification_requests: false, needs_justification: false, bad_justification: false, needs_finality_proof: false, is_new_best: true } }
# open another shell window, the following command would print the changes for block height 1$ ./target/debug/europa state-kv 1 Nov 12 15:53:27.699 INFO modified state for block:0x6c119a8f7de42e330aca8b9d3587937aacbbc203cc21650b60644c2f2d33e7fb Nov 12 15:53:27.699 INFO key:26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef702a5c1b19ab7a04f536c519aca4983ac|value:[DELETED] Nov 12 15:53:27.699 INFO key:26aa394eea5630e07c48ae0c9558cef70a98fdbe9ce6c55837576c60c7af3850|value:05000000# ...
CLI: Substrate could use the command -d/--base-path to assign a directory to store data, thus different environment could use different directory to distinguish. But -d directory is not recorded, so that developers should manage those different paths by themselves. Europa provide a concept of "workspace" to do this work based on the "base path". Developers could use command -w/--worksace to assign different workspace directory to run different Europa node instance. Europa also provides commands to operate "workspaces”, like setting default workspace, listing all existed workspace, or deleting a workspace.
In our workspace management, developers can switch different environments by setting different workspace. By using this feature, developers can switch between different environments to do test easily. On the other hand, this feature provides a friendly way for integration testing.
Use another workspace#
Specify another workspace$ ./target/debug/europa -w another-workspace# if you have specify a directory, add `-d` or `--base-path`$ ./target/debug/europa -d database -w another-workspace
Set default workspaceStop the Europa, then execute:
# another-workspace is the workspace name that we want to set as default.$ ./target/debug/europa workspace default another-workspaceNov 12 17:28:41.980 INFO Current default workspace: Nov 12 17:28:41.981 INFO default Nov 12 17:28:41.981 INFO Nov 12 17:28:41.981 INFO Set [another-workspace] as default workspace.
Then, start Europa. Europa will use "another-workspace" as default workspace.
$ ./target/debug/europa# ...Nov 12 17:29:33.862 INFO 💾 Database: RocksDb at .sub/another-workspace/chains/dev/db Nov 12 17:29:33.862 INFO 📖 Workspace: another-workspace | Current workspace list: ["default", "another-workspace"] Nov 12 17:29:33.862 INFO ⛓ Native runtime: europa-1 (europa-1.tx1.au1)
Delete workspace$ ./target/debug/europa workspace delete another-workspaceNov 12 17:30:49.549 INFO Current default workspace: Nov 12 17:30:49.549 INFO another-workspace Nov 12 17:30:49.549 INFO Nov 12 17:30:49.550 INFO Delete workspace [another-workspace]. Nov 12 17:30:49.550 INFO delete default record: [another-workspace] Nov 12 17:30:49.550 INFO delete workspace:[another-workspace] from workspace list