Compilegit clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/patractlabs/jupiter.gitcd jupitercargo build --release
After compiled, there're three binary execution file in the directory target/release:
- target/release/jupiter-dev
- target/release/jupiter-prep
- target/release/jupiter
jupiter-devrunning in local develop mode:
./jupiter-prep --dev --execution=NativeElseWasm --tmp
jupiter-prepjupiter-prep also support local test mode:
# start first node./jupiter-prep --chain=jupiter-poa-local --alice --execution=NativeElseWasm --tmp
# start second node./jupiter-prep --chain=jupiter-poa-local --bob --execution=NativeElseWasm --tmp
The outside node can also join Jupiter PoA testnet as sync node:
./jupiter-prep --chain=jupiter-poa --pruning=archive --execution=NativeElseWasm
jupiterCurrently, outside node can join Jupiter testnet as sync node:
./jupiter --chain ./jupiter-westend-098.json --execution wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --force-authoring --parachain-id=2000 --tmp \--chain ./westend-098.json --no-beefy --execution wasm --wasm-execution=compiled --tmp \--bootnodes /dns/ws.patract-westend.patract.cn/tcp/30333/p2p/12D3KooWHfn9r5cLyVQRuLin1wsB3KUiVaMWPnnpFd7Hhff6rhUX
Note: If you want to do in local mode, you have to modify jupiter-dev, and then refer to steps here