Composite Types and Storage
OverviewBesides from basic types in last section, oftentimes we need to use more complex data structures for storage to implement complex logics in smart contract.
The following schema depicts the storage which is exposed to ink! by the contracts pallet:
Storing or loading complex data structures to and from contract storage can be done in many different ways. You could store all information into a single storage cell or you could try to store all information into as many different cells as possible. Both strategies have pros and cons under different conditions.
Spread VS. PackedAsk! provides two composite data types for storage: StorableMap
, StorableArray
. The composite data type supports two storage modes, spread and packed.
SpreadFor the spread storage mode, each storage unit has its own storage address, and will only be loaded when needed.
PackedFor the packed storage mode, all storage units need to be serialized into a set of data streams and stored in a shared address. When getting data from packed storage, the data will fetched once. Therefore, packed storage isn't desirable for accessing data in large volume.
: SpreadStorableMap
and PackedStorableMap
are encapsulated classes of Map, and add data persistence function. Two storage modes of spread and packed are implemented respectively.
APIsHere are some common functions you might use for StorableMap:
/// check if the map has sepcific keyhas(key: K): bool
/// insert k,v into the mapset(key: K, value: V)
/// get corresponding value by keyget(key: K): V
/// delete k,v by keydelete(key: K): bool
/// truncate the mapclear(): void
/// get all keys of the mapkeys(): K[]
/// get all values of the mapvalues(): V[]
UsageTo initialize a SpreadStorableMap, as long as key and value implments scale-codec, initialize it as a normal map in AssemblyscriptFor detailed apis, please check PackedStorableMap.ts
export class ERC20 { @state balances: SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128> = new SpreadStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128>();}
For detailed apis, please check SpreadStorableMap.ts
ImplementationThe storage structure of SpreadStorableMap
The number of data stored in this Map and the Hash of the first storage location are saved in MapEntry
. Its storage location is in Hash(prefix)
, and this storage location will be exported to metadata.json for access of external apps.
is a specific stored K/V value. In addition to storing Key/Value, each KVStore also stores the hash of the next/prev node. If it is a tail node, then the value of next
is NullHash
, that is (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000
); if it is a head node, then the value of prev
is NullHash
. Through a doubly linked list, external Apps can iteratively access all data. The storage location of each KVStore
is determined by the following rules: Hash(prefix + key)
PackedStorableMapThe storage model of Packed is different from Spread, all its data is loaded/stored all at once. The usage of MapEntry
is the same as the Spread model. All its data is stored in a fixed location under Hash(prefix + ".value")
through the method of u8[]
UsageTo initialize a PackedStorableMap, as long as key and value implments scale-codec, initialize it as a normal map in Assemblyscript
export class TwoSum { @state hashmap: PackedStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128> = new PackedStorableMap<AccountId, UInt128>();}
For detailed apis, please check PackedStorableMap.ts
ImplementationThe storage structure of PackedStorableMap
and PackedStorableArray
are the encapsulation of the Array class, and added data persistence function, respectively implementing the two storage modes of spread and packed.
APIsSome common APIs you might use.
push(value: T): i32
pop(): T
delete(index: i32): bool
at(index: i32): T
fill(value: T, start: i32 = 0, end: i32 = i32.MAX_VALUE)
every(callbackfn: (element: T, index: i32, array?: Array<T>) => bool): bool
findIndex(predicate: (element: T, index: i32, array?: Array<T>) => bool): i32
includes(searchElement: T, fromIndex: i32 = 0): bool
indexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex: i32 = 0): i32
lastIndexOf(searchElement: T, fromIndex: i32 = 0): i32
concat(items: T[]): T[]
forEach(callbackfn: (value: T, index: i32, array: Array<T>) => void): void
map<U>(callbackfn: (value: T, index: i32, array: Array<T>) => U): Array<U>
filter(callbackfn: (value: T, index: i32, array: Array<T>) => bool): Array<T>
reduce<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: i32, array: Array<T>) => U, initialValue: U): U
reduceRight<U>(callbackfn: (previousValue: U, currentValue: T, currentIndex: i32, array: Array<T>) => U, initialValue: U): U
some(callbackfn: (element: T, index: i32, array?: Array<T>) => bool): bool
slice(from: i32, to: i32 = i32.MAX_VALUE): Array<T>
splice(start: i32, deleteCount: i32 = i32.MAX_VALUE): Array<T>
sort(comparator: (a: T, b: T) => i32)
reverse(): T[]
UsageTo initialize an SpreadStorableArray
@contractclass Flipper { @state flag: bool; @state aArr: SpreadStorableArray<UInt128> = new SpreadStorableArray<UInt128>();
ImplementationThe storage structure of SpreadStorableArray
is as follows:
saves the number of elements of this Array size
and the number of bytes after serialization rawBytesCount
(this value is 0
in Spread model). Its storage location is in Hash(prefix)
, And this storage location will be exported to metadata.json for external apps to access. The storage location of each element is determined by the method of Hash(prefix + index)
, and the serialized data of the element is stored in this location.
UsageTo initialize an PackedStorableArray
@contractclass Flipper { @state flag: bool; @state aArr: PackedStorableArray<UInt128> = new PackedStorableArray<UInt128>();
Fixed length array
By default, the array is mutable length array. The default strucutre definition is SequenceDef that defines array as sequence and sepcify the object type in array. It also defines storage modes as pack/spread. In addition, for type array, it can pre-allocate some space by default. The type is Arraydef whith specification of capacity for pre-allocated space. len is set to 0 by default meaning no fixed length is specified.
To initialize a fixed length array, adding @packed({ "capacity": 128 })
@contractclass Flipper { @state flag: bool;
@state @packed({ "capacity": 128 }) packeArr: PackedStorableArray<UInt128> = new PackedStorableArray<UInt128>();}
ImplementationThe storage structure of PackedStorableArray
is as follows:
stores the number of elements in this Array size
and the number of bytes after serialization rawBytesCount
. In this storage mode, all elements are stored under the same address Hash(prefix + ".values ")
Composite object
Composite object
is a serializable class, that is, a class that implements theCodec
interface, which can be stored on the chain. For example, the following class:
class EmbedObj implements Codec {
a: i8; b: string; c: u128;
constructor(a: i8 = 0, b: string = "", c: u128 = u128.Zero) { this.a = a; this.b = b; this.c = c; }
toU8a(): u8[] { let bytes = new Array<u8>(); let aWrap = new Int8(this.a); let bWrap = new ScaleString(this.b); let cWrap = new UInt128(this.c);
bytes = bytes.concat(aWrap.toU8a()) .concat(bWrap.toU8a()) .concat(cWrap.toU8a()); return bytes; }
encodedLength(): i32 { let aWrap = new Int8(this.a); let bWrap = new ScaleString(this.b); let cWrap = new UInt128(this.c);
return aWrap.encodedLength() + bWrap.encodedLength() + cWrap.encodedLength(); }
populateFromBytes(bytes: u8[], index: i32 = 0): void { let aWrap = new Int8(); aWrap.populateFromBytes(bytes, index); index += aWrap.encodedLength();
let bWrap = new ScaleString(); bWrap.populateFromBytes(bytes, index); index += bWrap.encodedLength();
let cWrap = new UInt128(); cWrap.populateFromBytes(bytes, index);
this.a = aWrap.unwrap(); this.b = bWrap.toString(); this.c = cWrap.unwrap(); }
eq(other: EmbedObj): bool { return this.a == other.a && this.b == other.b && this.c == other.c; }
notEq(other: EmbedObj): bool { return !this.eq(other); } }
can be used in the storage class annotated by @storage
to save a set of related information.