Enable WASM backtrace

Just implemented WASM backtrace for the contract system of substrate these days, here is a panicked flipper to show how it works:

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]

fn main() {
use ink_lang as ink;

mod flipper {
    pub struct Flipper {
        value: bool,

    impl Flipper {
        pub fn new(init_value: bool) -> Self {
            panic!("Flip failed!");
            Self { value: init_value }

        pub fn default() -> Self {

        // This message will emit `ContractTrapped` everytime 
        // people call it from node.
        pub fn flip(&mut self) {
            self.value = !self.value;

        pub fn get(&self) -> bool {

Before WASM Backtrace

Let's see how the panicked flipper panicing in the pallet-contracts/src/wasm/runtime.rs#L378.

Trap {
    kind: DummyHostError,

After WASM Backtrace

And the panic could be like:

Trap {
    kind: Unreachable,
    wasm_trace: [
        "tt::tt::_::<impl tt::tt::Tt>::new[162]",
        "tt::tt::_::<impl tt::tt::Tt>::default[163]",
        ::tt::_::__ink_Constr<[(); 3792844650]> as ink_lang::traits::Constructor>::CALLABLE::{{closure}}[46]",
        ::tt::_::_::__ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum as ink_lang::dispatcher::Execute>::execute::{{closure}}[150]",
        "<tt::tt::_::_::__ink_ConstructorDispatchEnum as ink_lang::dispatcher::Execute>::execute[159]",
        "tt::tt::_::<impl ink_lang::contract::DispatchUsingMode for tt::tt::Tt>::dispatch_using_mode[156]",

Let's track out how to reach the effect above!

1. Submit WASM files contains debug info

Frist of all, we have to submit wasm files which contain the debug info that the on-chain side can parse and get the panic errors.

Currently, parity/cargo-contract trims debug info while building contracts, we can get them back with the following steps.

1.1 Keep name section from striping

The name section has been striped at cargo-contract/cmd/build.rs#L247.

1.2 Keep debug info from wasm-opt

cargo-contract passes debug_info: false to wasm-opt, so the debug-info will be always optimized when we run wasm-opt, the code is here: cargo-contract/cmd/build.rs#L267.

1.3 Keep debug info from rustc

cargo-contract executes realease build by default, here we can enable debug build or modify the opt-level flag of rustc to keep debug infos at cargo-contract/cmd/build.rs#L137.

2. Save debug info from the scraper of pallet-contracts

What happends to the pallet-contracts while we calling a contract?

  • Get the WASM binary from storage
  • Inject gas meter to the contract
  • Inject stack height to the contract
  • Put the contract into sp-sandbox and execute it
  • Get the result from sp-sandbox and return the result to us

2.1 Store name section while building WASM module

  • PR: https://github.com/paritytech/parity-wasm/pull/300

pallet-contracts builds WASM modules from storage and drops custom sections by default, here we should get them back.

2.2 Update function indices in name section while injecting gas meter

pallet-contracts reorders the indcies of functions in our WASM contracts after injecting gas memter to the WASM contracts at paritytech/wasm-utils/gas/mod.rs#L467, this will mess up the function indecies in name section that we can not get the correct backtraces.

3. Impelment WASM backtrace for WASMI

Remember the last two steps in chapter 2, the core part of enabling WASM backtrace to pallet-contract is making wasmi support backtrace.

The process of executing a function in the interpreter of wasmi is like:

  • Invoke the target function
  • call and call and call over again
    • Panic if the process breaks.

3.1 Add function info field to FuncRef

FuncRef is the 'function' wasmi interpreter calling directly, so we need to embed the debug info into the FuncRef as the first time, source at wasmi/func.rs#L26.

fn main() {
//! patractlabs/wasmi/src/func.rs#L26
/// ...
pub struct FuncRef {
    /// ...
    /// Function name and index for debug
    info: Option<(usize, String)>,

3.2 Set function info using name section while parsing WASM modules

We alread have the info field in FuncRef, now we need to fill this field using name setciton while parsing WASM modules, source at wasmi/module#L343.

fn main() {
//! wasmi/src/module.rs#L343
// ...
if has_name_section {
     if let Some(name) = function_names.get((index + import_count) as u32) {
         func_instance = func_instance.set_info(index, name.to_string());
     } else {
         func_instance = func_instance.set_info(index, "<unknown>".to_string());
// ...

3.3 Make the interpreter support trace

However, we don't need to get infos of every functions but the panicked series in the stack of the interpreter, source at wasmi/runner.rs#L1491.

fn main() {
//! wasmi/src/runner.rs#L1491
/// Get the functions of current the stack
pub fn trace(&self) -> Vec<Option<&(usize, String)>> {
    self.buf.iter().map(|f| f.info()).collect::<Vec<_>>()

3.4 Gather debug infos when program breaks

Just gather backtraces when we invoke function failed, source at wasmi/func.rs#L170.

fn main() {
//! wasmi/src/func.rs#L170
// ...

let res = interpreter.start_execution(externals);
if let Err(trap) = res {
let mut stack = interpreter
    .map(|n| {
        if let Some(info) = n {
            format!("{:#}[{}]", rustc_demangle::demangle(&info.1), info.0)
        } else {

// Append the panicing trap
stack.append(&mut trap.wasm_trace().clone());

// Embed this info into the trap

// ...

4. Assembling the modules

The last thing is assembling the modules above, if you compose like above, you'll got a europa.